How to get rid of wasp in the atti​​c

How to get rid of wasp in the atti​​c

With the arrival of summer in Canada, there is more reason to understand how to get rid of wasp in the attic. Having wasp in closed spaces like the attic could be problematic when it’s time to eliminate wasp nest in homes. Wasp offers several economic values to the ecosystem, serving as pest control measures for plants. They could, however, pose some health risks to humans and animals. A wasp sting is one of the most common stinging experiences in Canada. Hence, it is best to seek a professional wasp removal Toronto Company to remove a wasp nest.

Wasp stings for some persons could result in pain or allergic reactions requiring medical attention immediately. While you go for anti-venom shots let’s explore what you could do to get the wasp out of your attic or home permanently.

What is a Wasp?

Wasp is a mostly winged insect with a yellow or white and black body. They measure 1.6 centimeters or 1 mm to 35 mm long for tiny to large wasps. Wasp belongs to the order of Hymenoptera and the Aculeata division. And possess a narrow abdomen around them with hairs on the body. It has the ovipositor, which it usually uses to sting its opponent when under threat. They could be found mainly in the arid areas of Canada but could move closer home during the hotter seasons of the year.

What are the Types of Wasp?

There are over 550 species of wasp across the Greater Toronto Area, Alberta, Ottawa, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Manitoba and other parts of Canada. But some of the most common species include:

•    Yellow Jacket

The Yellow Jacket wasps measure 10 to 25 mm long and usually have a bright yellow color. It also possesses a large waist with a yellow or white and black band. You should be careful about the Yellow jacket because they are one of the most aggressive species of wasps. They can attack if they sense movement or any threat to life around the wasp nest. The Yellow Jacket has short legs and thick antennae. Though they prefer wall cavities and underground, the attic could be a safe-haven. Be careful with the yellow jacket because they sting multiple times and in swarms.

•    Ground Wasp

Ground wasp normally prefers making their nest underground; therefore, your attic might be free of them. They also prefer rotten or dead tree wood to make their nest.

•    Paper wasps

Paper wasps’ sting is usually more painful and fatal. They have long legs and bodies than the other species. They prefer an open area nest like the upper part of a pipe, housetop or the attic.

•    Social Wasp and Hornets

Social wasp usually resides in groups and is the most dangerous and common of the species of wasp. The German Yellow jacket, for instance, is the most aggressive. Hornets are social wasps also and make up the largest of the species. They usually have white marks on the thorax and head. However, European hornets are brown but possess orange marks. Hornets also reside in wall cavities and closer to the attic.

What Attracts Wasp in Attic?

Wasp gets back to full activity as the summer approaches. Wasps usually prefer to stay in the hollows of fallen trees, gardens, roofs or attics. 


One of the major attractions of wasp to your attic is the need for a comfortable place to stay. When they seek food and other substances, the attic could serve as a good place to relax with little or no disturbance afterward.

Appealing scent and aroma

A wasp can perceive the scent of shampoo, soap or any fruity shower gel. Wasp tries to gain access assuming it is food. 

Sweet foods and water

Wasps love their blackberries and other sweet foods. And will visit any location to find them. Other foods wasp love include fruits, can of pop, soda, fruit juice, etc. Any source of water could be perceived from afar by a wasp which is an open invitation.

Garbage Cans

Your garbage cans usually contain leftovers, sweet wrappers, and containers. The aroma from these edible items could serve as attractants to a wasp. 

How Do You Get Rid of Wasp in Your Attic?

There are several methods to get rid of wasp in attic. But the best measures still remain seeking professional wasp removal or pest Control Company for service help. 

Using Wasp Insecticide Spray

If you have a wasp in the attic there is a chance it has built a nest on the floor or wall of your attic. Therefore, you need to follow these steps to get rid of wasp in attic:

Step 1: Investigate

Try to know what type of wasp is in your attic. This will help you know whether it poses any or minimal danger. Social wasps build a large nest with every insect in the same location. Solitary wasps usually isolate the eggs from the young wasp in several pods.

Step 2: Protect Yourself

You are at risk of a wasp’s poisonous sting; therefore, cover your entire body using protective gear. Either a specialized wasp suit or thick rain suits can help cover your body. Alternatively, wear thick shirts and sweaters, jeans, socks, and leather boots. You can also wear a hood, protective or ski glasses and tie a scarf around your neck. Do not leave any part of your body exposed or with light clothing.

Step 3: Secure the Attic

Clear out items that could serve as obstruction or make you trip over. Also, remove valuable items to avoid damage in the course of trying to get rid of wasp in attic. You can place a plastic bag on the floor to stop wasp spray from destroying your attic floor. Shut attic windows, seal up vents and windows with duct tape to conserve the potency of the spray.

Step 4: Spray Wasp Nest

Following the manufacturer’s instructions, spray the nest. If the nest is high up, use a spray with nozzle and projectile shots to spray the nest. Ensure the spray gets into the nest to avoid any chance of any wasp escaping. Leave the nest for as long as indicated in the anti-wasp spray manual. The duration in most cases would be 24 hours. Also, check to be sure there are no living wasps still in the nest. If there are you might need to spray again.

Step 5: Get ready to dispose of Wasp Nest

Untie the wasp nest gently. You can untie by hand or with an implement like a shovel or rake to remove the nest from attic walls, roof, etc. Place the nest into waste disposal bag and close the lid tight. Then take the container out to empty into the garbage can for the waste disposal managers.

There are several known strategies on how to get rid of wasp in the attic. Most of these methods provide temporal relief from the problem of wasp in the attic. And then you are faced with a wasp infestation again. To carefully identify and keep wasp away permanently you need the services of an expert wasp removal company today. Please note, there is a difference between wasp and bees. Wasps are usually 2.5 cm smaller than the bee (2.5 cm long). Bees also have far more hairs than wasps. They usually have larger colonies of up to 100,000 per colony as against wasps’ smaller colonies. Hence, you are more likely to find wasp in your attic than bees. To avoid getting stung by a wasp, you should consult a professional wasp removal and control company to take care of the situation.