They are not lethal and even if you are allergic it is highly unlikely that you would die. The only wasp-like insect that can do that is called a murder hornet for good reason. However, if you are swarmed by hornets and stung more than a few times it can be very dangerous. If you are stung a couple of dozen times you may end up in the ER and if you get attacked by a whole nest you will probably not survive it. Now there are many kinds of hornets and not all of them are dangerous.
If you suspect a hornet presence anywhere near or on your property, contact hornet removal Toronto for quick and safe removal.

The great black hornet is very aggressive and while its sting feels like a hot knife it won’t kill you. The mud dauber is a hornet that makes nests in mud in which they lay eggs. These hornets are not at all aggressive and if you kill one, the rest will do nothing, they would rather move on and rebuild a new nest than try to fight off an intruder bent on destroying their nest. They are serene, floating about doing their work. They bother no one and eat only insects and sugars. They are a boon to your garden. Then there are wasps like yellow jackets. They are swarming wasps and build huge nests. They are the type of wasp to swarm and sting a person to their death. However, the good news about wasps and hornets is that they are very easy to kill. Not at all like roaches and ants, wasps and hornets are large creatures with weak organs and a great deal of energy devoted to flying and producing venom. They are clumsy and oblong and that does not help them very much. A simple spray of water and dish soap is enough to kill them and a couple of cans of insecticide can kill a whole nest in minuets. Just make sure to wear thick full covering clothing, maybe a beekeepers hat, and some thick gloves. Find the nest and empty both cans into the entrance at once. Keep spraying till they are empty and you will have a dead nest you can remove and dispose of it right away. If you aren’t comfortable handling all that on your own you can call the professionals at Wasp Control. We have technicians that can take out a hornets nest from any hight and keep your family safe from the dangerous threat of a wasp or hornet swarm. Call us today to book a free inspection!